Monday Miniatures - Salamanders Terminator Librarian

As I march inexorably toward my goal of having an army that will be outdated by Games Workshop's balance team in 3(!) months, I have settled on a tactic to make sure I keep myself motivated.

In between units (in this case, a unit of 5 assault intercessors with jump packs), I have been "weaving in" a character. The change of pace and "little win" relative to the larger effort of painting a squad means the dopamine keeps flowing and the paint keeps getting applied.

So, here's my terminator librarian:

In a lot of ways this miniature felt like a culmination of all of my learnings, coupled with the use of the new (and old) equipment to be as smooth as butter. Very rarely in my creative process are there "zero hangups". This miniature was as smooth and as pain free as I've painted in the last twelve months.

My new monument hobbies undercoat went on perfectly. The AK interactive Ultra Matte worked just like it said on the tin, and I also applied it locally to the blade of the axe to make it extra matte, allowing the highlights to actually appear on the model.

Even the runes, although not glowing, look awesome - which might not be how you feel, but considering how "under the microscope" my own work is to me, means a lot - my own brain is accepting my work as good enough.

In terms of paint used, because I like bright(er) colours, this is GW Macragge Blue, intended to be the starting point for Ultramarines. Which you can kind of see under the lights. However even with a highlight of Calgar Blue, it still felt too dark for the boys in blue, but good for the boy in blue, whose armour is supposed to be darker.

I was particularly impressed with the axe, as well. VJMC steel, followed by VJMC silver, then a light coat of AK Ultra Matte, then VJMC chrome. Yes, it would look better if it was wet blended, but it's just not in my skillset... yet.

One day, I will climb that mountain.

All up, this guy took me 12 days to finish. This was not helped by the bout of gastro I had, nor the 48-hour stint my littlest spent in hospital. So, it's been a big two weeks.

Catch you next time,

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