I had hoped to have this unit finished before the end of February, so I could keep a pace of finshing a unit and a character a month.

Instead, my work got apocalyptically busy, and I stopped sleeping. Instead of painting miniatures in my spare time, I was working overtime, and the collective stress got to me and killed my drive to do anything else but barely function.

So this week, after everything settled down, I was finally able to cross the finish line and punch in the last few stages of painting my second unit of Jump Pack Intercessors:

The painting of the unit went entirely to plan - nothing stepped out of line. My undercoat went on perfectly, I had a strong basecoat - and so getting through the gears of blocking colours, shading and highlighting went like a dream.

There was no second-guessing the varnish finish either, which went on nice and smooth and worked first time.

I did discover that I prefer layering my Vallejo Metal Colours - I much prefer to paint Gunmetal Grey, then Steel, and then shade and highlight, rather than apply just Steel. I understand that part of the appeal of these paints is how strong they are as a single coat, but sometimes I find I just need a little more oomph.

The green machine continues its inexorable march - next up is a character, and then I'm at a crossroads of sorts. Stay tuned, it's about to get interesting...

Catch you next time,

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